Sep 30, 2010



Time: Monday, November 1 · 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Location: Haft Auditorium, F.I.T
227 West 27th Street between 7 & 8th Aves.
New York, NY
Created By: AIGA/NY

To purchase a ticket for this event please go to
An RSVP does not hold you a seat.

For one special night in New York City, Marian Bantjes will take the stage to speak a bit about fate - or lack thereof - and the evolution of her career all the way up and through the writing and illuminating of her just-published book I Wonder.Before Marian gets started, Paula Scher will prep us all with a bit of insight to the impact that Marian has had on our industry. Don't miss this event. It will be unforgettable. For a little insight to Marian's charming perspective on things, take her thoughts on being Canadian for example:"I'm Canadian, and I love being Canadian. I love being self-deprecating even though Americans see it as a sign of weakness. I love being politically left of center (actually, quite far left, if you must know). I love being honest, and nice and polite and caring and kind. (Although sometimes I really do wish I could be a total bitch without feeling guilty about it.) I’m amused by my own respect for authority and rule-following instincts."Or her view on her career to this point:"These days I call myself a lapsed Graphic Designer. This is largely untrue, but in my struggle to redefine myself it’s helpful to cast off the old me in the search of the new. I have a ton of experience in typesetting and design, but it wasn’t until I started doing this other thing in 2004 that I began to find the thing that is me in the act of what I do. Does that make sense? Am I successful? Yes. In terms of how I feel about what I make and why I do it. In terms of the acclaim and attention I feel far more worthwhile than I did when I ran a graphic design firm. Am I rich? No."Marian's forthrightness and self-deprecation bely her mind-blowing client list, which includes but is not limited to Saks Fifth Avenue, Stefan Sagmeister, Michael Bierut/Pentagram, the AIGA, Winterhouse, Bruce Mau Design, Rick Valicenti (Thirst), Print Magazine, wired, The New York Times, Wallpaper, The Guardian, seed, FontShop, Houghton-Mifflin, Little, Brown & Co., Knopf Books, and Young & Rubicam Chicago.Come checkout all the other contradictions that make up Ms. Bantjes. And leave with your own copy of I Wonder, which will be available for purchase at the event.

$20 AIGA member
$10 AIGA student member
$30 General public

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