Oct 6, 2011

Anamorphic Typography

  • http://www.behance.net/gallery/Anamorphic-Typography/1091883
    An exploration of the potential and existing relationship between architecture and typography
  • This project evolved out of a brief we had set ourselves as part of the assessment for our Foundation Degree course at Chelsea College of Art & Design. From initially looking into the existing and possible relationship between graphic design and architecture we discovered the process of anamorphosis as used by the fine artist Felice Varini.

    After researching and testing the process in our studio we began to search for an ideal architectural space within our college buildings to execute our installation in. When planning an anamorphic installation is it important to consider that to maximise the fracturing of the design, it is best to try and touch as many plains as possible. We eventually decided to carry out our installation in a corridor of our college (as shown in the images) using the long walls to maximise the distortion of the letterforms. All of our work is site specific and we spend as long as possible discussing a choosing the perfect architectural locations for our works.

    We initially chose the phrase "It's more than just print" to challenge the conventional idea that graphic design can only be realised in 2 dimensions (a poster, business card or magazine etc). The phrase is also a comment on the technique as when viewed from the right viewpoint, the design looks as though it is flat on a 2D plain.

    For our second installation we chose the phrase “it’s a point of view” as a comment on the process of anamorphosis where the design only becomes fully legible when viewed from a specific point of view. This piece was also a comment on the the subjective nature of good design, given it’s placement in our end of year exhibition featuring works by all of our peers.

    Our work encourages the viewer to walk into and around typography, an immersive experience considering that their usual relationship with type would normally be realised on a two dimensional surface be it printed or computerised. Being able to appreciate it physically painted onto walls of buildings which the viewers are used to interacting with every day draws attention to the beauty of typography and at same time highlighting the architectural forms that it adorns.

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