Sep 27, 2011

ASSIGNMENT 2: Type History

Using your ten crucial sentences from your The New York Times responses, choose a time period in design history: 1890-1920, 1920-1930, 1930-1945, 1945-1957, 1957-1965, 1965-1972, 1972-1980, 1980-1990, 1990-2011 and design each stylistically as though it came from that time period. Specifically concentrate on finding and using typography designed during those time periods.

We want to see how you are able be inventive with various period fonts, how you incorporate them into the subject matter and adapt your individual style.

1) research typography from the time periods mentioned above. Note the designer’s name, date created, and explain what the designer of the font was reacting against.
2) chose imagery, typography, and color that clearly shows your knowledge of each time period.
a. begin with image, type, and color swipe (use a separate page for each of these)
b. post your swipe on your blog
3) create your pieces
a. make sure your ideas are clearly articulated in text and image
b. you may find it helpful to use a format for your responses—ie. they’re all patterns

You are expected to have ten finished posters with variations. Print to size. Include imagery, type, color and stylistic swipe research. Be prepared to present your work. You may bring in previous drafts if you find it necessary or relevant for discussion. Please post your progress on your personal blog and comment on each other’s work.

Nick Misani:
Mariya Campwala:
Jane Youn:

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