Jun 20, 2011

Angus Hyland’s New Book ‘Symbol’ Out Now


Symbol, edited by Angus Hyland with Steven Bateman and containing an introductory essay by David Gibbs, is published today by Laurence King.

The book features over 1300 symbols, organized into groups and sub-groups according to their visual characteristics. Each category includes a short introduction on who the symbol was designed for, the designer, and in some cases, what the symbol stands for. These sections are interspersed with short case studies on both classic and more recently designed symbols.

Symbol is a comprehensive resource for anyone interested in graphic design. Did you know, for instance, that the CND symbol (Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament), designed by Gerald Holtom in 1958, now universally used to symbolize peace, is built out of semaphore for the letters N and D?

Last week Hyland gave a talk at the Design Museum to a packed crowd to celebrate the launch of the book. The evening was filmed and we will post a link to that film in due course.


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