Mar 9, 2010

All Things Typographic 3/10

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thanks to Ilene Strizver for this edition of All Things Typographic

Spring forward with type!
-- TypeTalk: You ask, we answer
-- Underlining Text
-- Know Your Type: Cheltenham
-- Daily Drop Cap
-- Typographic Tattoos
-- Bring Gourmet Typography to your company, school, or organization
-- The Type Studio now on Twitter

TypeTalk: You ask, we answer
TypeTalk Q. Is there a way to compensate for what happens to type when it's printed on different papers, especially on newsprint? Check it out...

Q. There are dozens, if not hundreds, of blogs, forums, and Web sites devoted to typography. Wanna know my favorites? Check it out...

Underlining Text
fyti logo In the world of digital typesetting, underlining is rarely used to emphasize text. This treatment is a holdover from typewriter days, when it was the only way to highlight text. Today, italics and/or boldface are commonly used to add emphasis, depending on the context and desired degree of attention. But there are still some instances where underlining (also called underscoring) is an effective and attractive way to emphasize text. It can add an appealing design element and is useful for type of all sizes, including: headers and footers, headlines and subheads, pull quotes, and important callouts in body text. Read on...

Know Your Type: Cheltenham
Chelt American architect Bertram Grosvenor Goodhue was known for his involvement in the gothic revival at the turn of the 20th century, designing countless churches and buildings, including the Nebraska State Capitol and the Los Angeles Public Library. But before that, he designed a typeface - Cheltenham.

Designed by an architect, and known today as the face of The New York Times, Cheltenham is the seventh installment in the IDSGN Know your type series. Check it out...

Daily Drop Cap
J Jessica Hische is a talented, young typographer and illustrator working in Brooklyn, New York who is rather obsessed with type, in the most decorative of ways. Daily Drop Cap is a project she started in September of 2009 in which she illustrates a decorative letter every day (or at least every work day). The project will continue for approximately twelve alphabets, and the caps are available for non-commercial use as drop caps on your personal blog. Read on...

Typographic Tattoos
tattoo Body Type (and Body Type 2), by Ina Saltz, is an eye-opening look into the amazingly creative ways that tattoo artists are utilizing typography. Twenty-six alphabetical characters might not seem like much to work with, but a look through these photographs reveals the contrary. Take a look...

Bring Gourmet Typography to your company, school, or organization
Gourmet Typography In today's competitive market, you need all the edge you can get. Whether you are a student or a professional, having strong typographic skills should be at the top of your list.

Bring Gourmet Typography Training right to your company, school or organization! Workshops are customized for groups of any size and designed to fit your specific needs. Sessions are scheduled for your convenience - daytime, evenings or weekends. We will design a program customized for your particular requirements.

SCHOOLS & UNIVERSITIES: Special pricing, call 203.227.5929
Call with FONcall™
Error: could not place call
for details.

"I found your class to be the missing link in the field of graphic design. I have had type classes before and the content is mostly about the structure of fonts, word usage style and then how to see type as a design element. Very important classes, but not all inclusive. Having been in the field for over 16 years, I was surprised how much I learned and some of the practical information about what to do with fonts. Thanks again!"

For more info, click here or call 203.227.5929.

The Type Studio now on Twitter
twitterbird Yes, I gave in to Twitter pressure. It's no longer your teenager's social networking tool, but a valuable source of education and information for students, educators and professionals of all kinds.

Follow me at Twitter for the best of typographic rants, raves, reviews, and releases.


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