Nov 6, 2009

Fouth Assignment: Info Graphic

Here is your next homework assignment:

create a survey for an information graphic about your topic.

design and print your survey.

bring enough for everyone to fill out.

make sure you think hard about how you formulate the questions so that they can be charted.

ie. open ended questions are difficult to chart.

but, you don't want to direct folks too much or you skew the data.

so, create questions that are as objective as possible, but directed according to your needs.

at least 10-15 questions.

design a questionnaire in the format of your topic thus far.

if you choose to use survey monkey, that's fine, but also print out and bring to class so that your classmates can fill out your survey.

check out visual complexity for examples of info graphics
also: simple complexity
edward tufte
nigel holmes

examples of surveys:

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