Jun 21, 2009

Assignment 2

genevieve williams summer 2009
ta: yutt wattanapanich

Assignment 2:
design four (a series) PSA posters that i might see together or separately, wheat pasted on the street, or in the subway, etc.
1) first week comp, 6.23
2) second week tight comp, 6.30
3) third week final 7.7
1) research your topic well.
2) identify and speak to your target audience when designing.
1) choose your topic:

a. do not choose something i already know--ie, no anti smoking, hiv/aids, starving children in africa, no child left behind, stop world hunger, save the whales, dolphins, polar bears, go green, etc.
b. choose a topic that is interesting to you, that you'd like to share, and that is related to nyc, (may include any or all of the five boroughs).
C.use only typography and graphic elements.
i) no illustration or photography.
ii) examples on the blog: http://intermediatewithgen.blogspot.com/
iii) look particularly at the file labeled "punched out holes." it has text around it that explains what the designers were trying to accomplish. from experimental jetset:
iv) i agree that, at least in the punched out holes example, experimental jetset uses visual links rather than " conceptual" ideas. we have a lot of in class discussion about concept in graphic design coming up. re advertising, it's relatively easy. but, re graphic design, it’s still a conversation underway.
d. do your best to relate your design to a visual idea from your topic, or better, an abstract concept that conveys the message using intellect, emotion, or humor.
i) don't preach, don't caution.
ii) encourage the viewer to see your point in a positive way.

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