Sep 15, 2008

First project: Type Specimen Book

1) first week comp, 9.22
2) second week tight comp, 9.29
3) third week final 10.6

1) choose twelve typefaces not found on your computer
2) design a sixteen page signature using those twelve typefaces
3) print to size (you may choose the size)
4) bind

1) purchase ellen lupton’s book “thinking with type” and read it!
2) thorough understanding and application of the first two chapters, “letter” and
“text” due 9.22.
3) here’s a link to some of her students’ projects:

ii. go there. download her students’ pdfs. have a look.

1) design a sixteen page signature using twelve typefaces not found on your
2) choose three serif display faces, three sans serif display faces, three serif text
faces, three sans serif text faces.
3) use a text from a short story, part of a novel, long poem, or other text of your
4) set (and kern properly) display faces and text blocks
5) be inventive with the form and binding of your signature

1) typographia 2) ellen lupton student work
3) yutt wattanapanich 4) ramon tejeda
5) herb lubalin 6) babylonia talmud
7) alice in wonderland

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