Jan 31, 2012

Beautiful Web Type By Chad Mazzola

From Chad -

Hi Haniya,

Really glad you liked the site.

Here's some thoughts that come to mind about designing for the web:

—Pay attention first and foremost to the grid + the type.

—White space! Emphasis is not just making things big. I favor emphasis
that is achieved by small, strong blocks surrounded by generous white
space that dignifies them.

These first two ideas are brought together beautifully in this site:

Elegant, functional, timeless. 

—Learn the technology that powers the medium and the opportunities it
makes available. The rise of CSS3 has made a number of things much
easier to accomplish than in the past. Rounded borders, gradients and
drop shadows can be used together in subtle ways to add depth and
interest to functional components of a site. They of course can be
abused, but they also let us build UIs that came alive in the browser.
Likewise with animations and transitions.

Examples of the possibilities can be found here:

And then always keep this in mind while working:
"Quality deals with the judicious weighing of relationships, with
balance, contrast, harmony, juxtaposition, between formal and
functional elements—their transformation and enrichment. Further, it
is concerned with ideas not techniques, with the enduring not
ephemeral, with precision not fussiness, with simplicity not vacuity,
with subtlety not blatancy, with sensitivity not sentimentality."
—Paul Rand

Thanks Chad!