Dec 2, 2008
here' re interesting links to take a look
Nov 11, 2008
Michael Bierut talks about Why the Obama "Brand" Is Working
Let's be honest. Barack Obama is not on the verge of clinching the Democratic nomination because of his policy positions--whatever his most evangelical supporters might tell you. If policy was all that mattered this year, Hillary Clinton would've won five or six of the last 11 contests instead of losing them all. When it comes to specifics, there's simply not that much space between the candidates.
Obama's success owes a lot, of course, to his message--the promise to pass Democratic policies by rallying a "coalition for change." But watching Obamamania over the past few weeks, I've become convinced that there's something more subtle at work, too. It's not just the message and the man and the speeches that are swaying Democratic voters--though they are. It's the way the campaign has folded the man and the message and the speeches into a systemic branding effort. Reinforced with a coherent, comprehensive program of fonts, logos, slogans and web design, Obama is the first presidential candidate to be marketed like a high-end consumer brand.* And for folks who don't necessarily need Democratic social programs--upscale voters, young people--I suspect that the novel comfort of that brand affiliation contributes (however subconsciously) to his appeal.
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See more about Obama branding
Nice Malibu
With the growing popularity of street art, people are constantly transforming everyday objects into pieces of art. Curated by La MJC, liquor company Malibu is coming out with the Pop & Street Art Series, featuring unique bottle designs by Delta, So-Me, and James Jarvis. There will only be 100 individually numbered bottles for each design and sold exclusively at colette.
Nov 10, 2008
Before you ask for an infographic
Chiqui Esteban, infographic journalist at Spain’s Publico, offers his ten advices for editors and writers who ask for a graphic to tell their story.
Publico is an youngest daily newspaper in Spain. It has been launched in September 2007.
Esteban is a well known expert on visual story telling. He has been a consultant to the Innovations Media Consulting Group. Examples of his works are available at News Page Designer website.
On his blog ”Infographics news” he offers an excerpt from a ”little handbook” that his team has written for Publico’s editors and reporters.
”Many of [these advices] are extensible to the general journalism, but sometimes we must make visible that infographics are journalistic products. At least, those on newspapers,” explains Esteban.
!!!Here just a list. For details!!! go to his blog.
- Infographics are information, not decoration: Graphics are not to make pages more beautiful.
- Information in the graphic gives the size of it: We must not make the layout and then ask for the graphic.
- If you wouldn’t do it with the text, you can’t do it with the graphic: Data on graphics can’t be less rigourous than in the text.
- Graphics are not made for those who don’t want to read: We don’t have smart readers who read the texts and fools who looks at the graphics.
- Do not repeat the data on graphic and text: If you have nothing to tell apart form the data on the graphic maybe you don’t need a text.
- Quality of the infographics depends on information and time: Information for graphics is like the screenplay for a film.
- Say no to the big reports culture: It’s not unusual to have big mountains of papers with reports of some enterprise or institution. and they are usually full of little graphics.
- Graphics must be visual: Graphics are not not texts + photos. Texts and photos are texts and photos.
- Go for the good ones: Sometimes the big topic of the day doesn’t need a graphic.
- Trust the infographic journalist: when an infographic journalist tells you to have the infographic smaller or even not making a graphic is not because he doesn’t want to work.
Perfection is Pointless: Tips to help The Creative perfectionist
A lot of highly creative designers have one big problem: perfection. Perfection is both unproductive and pointless. Why? If you spend all of your time trying to get your work exactly the way you envision it, you’re just wasting your time. For the most part, your final piece will be different from your original idea. Trying to focus on elements of your work that aren’t perfect is a bad way of working.
Here are a few tips/things to keep in mind to help you to stop your urge to be perfect:
1. Ask Other People’s Opinion
If you think your work isn’t perfect, you have to look at it in a different way. The best tactic for doing this is through other people. Go ask some other people what they think of your work. Take their advice or criticism into consideration.
2. You Don’t Know Until You Try
If you are continually putting something off because you don’t think it’s finished or perfect, just go for it. If your client isn’t satisfied, take their comments and make changes.
3. Trial and Error
You usually won’t get it right the first time, but don’t give up. Keep trying, and new ideas will come.
4. Get Inspired
If you are hesitant about a deign you are working on and you absolutely know you need to add something, then spend some time looking at other work for inspiration. You will eventually have an idea or find out what your design needs.
5. Focus on What’s Important
Instead of focusing on the tiny details that only you will notice, focus on the big picture. Think about the image your work is promoting, and ask yourself if your design expresses that image.
6. Only You Will Notice the Small Imperfections
This isn’t always true, but it sometimes may apply. Either way, it is still good to keep in mind.
7. Allow New Ideas
Sometimes, we will shut down a new idea because we think it isn’t perfect for a project. Well, just try it anyway, you may love it. If you don’t allow new ideas, you may miss out on some very big opportunities.
8. Remember Nothing is Perfect
I know that is a cliche, but it is totally true. You can achieve excellence but still not be perfect.
9. Be Positive and Optimistic
Having a positive and bright outlook will help you to overcome your urge for perfection.
10. Keep Goals
Instead of working to the design you imagined, work toward an overall goal for the job. Think of what you want to achieve, and work toward it. Don’t focus on the details too much, and be happy when you have achieved your goal. Also, setting deadlines can help with your goals.
11. If All Else Fails
If you can’t possibly get over the fact that your work isn’t completely the way you want it to be, take a break. Move on to a new project or just do something else for a little while.
Share Your Ideas
Please, we would love to hear them.
Nov 5, 2008
Kerning tips
TypeTalk is a regular blog on typography. Post your questions and comments by clicking on the Comments icon above. If Ilene answers your question in the blog, you'll receive one Official T-Shirt!
Q. Kerning is a black art I have yet to get my head around. How much is too much? Is it purely visual or can it be mathematical?
A. Kerning is the adjustment of space between two specific characters. While there usually are hundreds of kern pairs built into a font, sometimes you have to make manual kern adjustments -- mostly to display type -- to balance out the negative spaces between some letter combinations.
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Oct 29, 2008
Oct 26, 2008
An Interview with Ludwig Übele
a bit of interview typeface designer that you might understand typeface and design!!!
After studying graphic design in Germany and Finland, Ludwig Übele worked for a number of years in the industry until he decided to concentrate on type design, and set off for the Netherlands. Since graduating from KABK’s TypeMedia course in 2007, Ludwig works freelance as a professional type designer—designing type for both text and display—and works on brand development.
What did you do before The Hague? What’s your background?
Originally I studied graphic design in Germany. Already my main focus was on type related courses. I had very good teachers in typography and calligraphy, who inspired me to go further with type. After I graduated from graphic design, I worked for several years in that field. It was a good experience, but in the long run not really satisfying. Whenever I had a job which was related to type design I was much more enthusiastic. This was the time when I decided to do the Type and Media course in The Hague, to find out if I could concentrate on the design of typefaces. Read More....
Oct 25, 2008
Sign of the Times
Pentagram-designed New York Times sign recently installed on the paper’s new headquarters.
Last week, the Times Square district gained its latest sign as the logo of the New York Times was installed on the Eighth Avenue facade of its new Renzo Piano-designed headquarters tower.
But what looks like a simple sign—if a 110-foot-long logo set as a 10,116-point version of the newspaper’s iconic Fraktur font can be called simple—is actually an intricate assemblage of nearly a thousand separate custom-designed pieces, each a painted extruded aluminum sleeve a little more than three inches in diameter.
The story of how and why Pentagram came to design the sign after the jump.
Oct 24, 2008
why you need contrast in your design
Design is largely an exercise in creating or suggesting contrasts, which are used to define hierarchy, manipulate certain widely understood relationships, and exploit context to enhance or redefine those relationships …all in an effort to convey meaning. Contrast is important because the meaningful essence of any thing is defined by its value, properties, or quality relative to something else. That’s right: nothing has much meaning by itself, which is one reason why design is important. Read more.....
Oct 15, 2008
The best logo from Wolda
Check out more WINNER SHOWCASE
Font references from FontFeed
Extra Light, Ultra Thin Fonts
extra heavy type
Fine Lines newsletterOct 11, 2008
Downloadable templates
Oct 10, 2008
Build Better Grids
You want to build better grids for your magazines. Here's how by COMPUTER ARTS PROJECTS Magazine, this months issue.
The entire issue is about PRINT design issues.
This tutorial is about Building Better Page Grids, and covers both Indesign and Quark.
Oct 7, 2008
second project: Rebrand and repackage
1) choose a household item, a tool of some sort, and invent a different usage for it.
2) rebrand and repackage according to its new use.
3) include "illustrated" instructions for usage.
household "tool" could be anything from a hammer to a toothbrush, melon scoop, mousetrap, ziplock bag, dust bunnies, etc.
Building a type library
How to build a type library
by Ilene Strizver
Designers frequently ask: What’s the best way to build a type library? With dozens of foundries and thousands of typefaces available, the task can be overwhelming. Here are some basic principles that will help you build the right library for your needs and budget.
One type at a time
A strong, versatile type library needn’t consist of hundreds of typefaces. In fact, many award-winning designers rely on a handful of font families for the majority of their work. Most independent designers and small creative departments will do best to build their type libraries one typeface at a time, on a project-by-project basis.
To select the right typeface or typeface family for a project, first do a thorough type exploration. Make a list of possibilities and put each design through its paces. If you don’t have printed specimen materials or catalogs, look for downloadable PDF showings; this is especially valuable if you’re choosing a text face. For headlines or other display usages, try viewing your candidates onscreen using font tryout utilities (these are commonly available on font foundry or reseller web sites).
Consider dozens of designs, if necessary, until you find the right one. This might take a while, but a well-selected, appropriate typeface can do more than half the work in creating a successful design. The hours spent will be well worth it!
When selecting text faces, make sure the family has all the versions you might need, including italics or obliques. Look for fonts that offer the features you use on a regular basis, such as small caps, ligatures, old style and lining figures. And you should seriously consider OpenType fonts, which have expanded character sets that often include all of the above features and more.
By developing your type library project by project, you’ll learn how each typeface looks and behaves in a variety of situations. The advantage of building your library this way is that you’ll be starting with fonts you know well and have already found pleasing and useful. They’ll be like old friends, and having a few good friends you can count on is better than having hundreds of acquaintances whom you know only superficially, right?
What To Avoid
If you want your work to be fresh and original, don't rely solely on the system and application fonts. Because of their widespread availability, these fonts have been tremendously overexposed and overused, especially by non-professionals. Even a good design can start to feel dated and stale through overuse. Many of the most-used system and application fonts have been around since the early days of desktop publishing, and are simply not good choices for serious design work.
Another warning: don’t waste your time on free fonts. Unless the fonts are offered by reputable foundries, the adage “you get what you pay for” applies. Good typeface design requires an experienced eye and a high degree of artistry and technical skill. Most free fonts are designed by type novices or hobbyists. Designers at the professional level rarely give their fonts away, and free fonts are generally not suitable for professional work.
Editor’s Note: Ilene Strizver, founder of The Type Studio, is a typographic consultant, designer and writer specializing in all aspects of typographic communication. Read more about typography in her latest literary effort, Type Rules!, published by North Light Books. This article was commissioned and approved by Monotype Imaging Inc.
Oct 3, 2008
Visual Source for editorial design
Oct 1, 2008
Who Shot the Serif?
So without further ado, let’s take a look at type terminology. Now, before my alliteration sends you running, let me say that there is nothing to fear. But why should you be interested in the terminology of type? Does it really matter if I don’t know my ascenders and serifs from my descenders and spines?
Well, what you will discover, is that learning just a little about the terminology will help you to have a greater appreciation for type; it will also help you to identify different typefaces and fonts — and that in turn will help you make better, more informed choices about the fonts you use. Oh, and lastly, you’ll learn what fish scales and serifs have in common. Read more....